Thursday, April 14, 2011

Go Tammy GO!

Ok I know this may be silly, but my favorite show Friday Night Lights just started up again for the season .

I love the character of Tammy Taylor! She is a mother of two and has just left her prestigious job as a principal at the "rich" high school, and crossed the rail road tracks following her football coach  husband  to "lower class" high school. It is a classic east vs. west competition between the two schools.

She was asked to step down from her job as principal because she advised a pregnant student of all her options, which the school board did not think was appropriate. Here is the best part. When there was a town meeting and Tammy Taylor was suppose to publicly apologize to the school board and community (which only happens in the world of t.v.) she didn't.

Mrs. Taylor felt that she had done the right thing by giving every possible option to a pregnant high school girl, and she was not about to tell the entire community that she was wrong in order to keep her job. So instead of saying " I was wrong and I'm sorry" she said, " I have done, and will always do what is in the best interest of the children."

She stood by what she believes, even when she was facing losing her job. I just love that quote and what the character of Tammy Taylor symbolizes.

Stay tuned as the plot thickens......

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The new vanity

The other day we were in Mr. Nellis's EDPY class and we were discussing Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. For those of you that are unsure of what they are, it starts with the basic human needs which are: physiological, safety, love & acceptance, self-esteem and respect of others.

Once you have that foundation you build upon them with personal growth needs like: knowledge & understanding, aesthetic & beauty, self actualization, then finally self transcendence.

A comment was made that if someone has reached the aesthetic and beauty phase that they must have missed a step. The class laughed which I can fully understand why, then it was further explained that the level of aesthetic and beauty represented things like cooking and appreciation for the arts, etc.

For some reason this comment shook me to my core, so much so, for the first time in a long time I felt my raw emotions being expressed in every physical form; by my uncomfortable body language, the anger in face, the sadness in my eyes. These are things I usually try to hide in order to respect other peoples views and opinions, but it made me realize this might be a subject that I am passionate about.

 I don't know why but when I first heard the level of asthetic and beauty what thought it represented was:

- A bulimic girl who was told at a point in her life that she was fat and not good enough, being able to look herself in the mirror and  truly say " I am pretty" after many hours of therapy.

- A boy who was over weight in high school and bullied, who found a sport he was passionate about and finally feels comfortable in his own skin.

- The shy person who never really fit in anywhere, discovering their purpose or niche in life and no longer dresses like everyone else to feel like they fit in, but dresses in a way that reprents themselves and feels authentically beautiful.

To me aesthetic and beauty represents maturity, confidence and appreciation for yourself, and others. You can joke about beauty, but for those of us who had hard times in our lives, it takes a lot of hard work, practice and years of dedication to define who you are in this world,  and to authentically acknowledge your true beauty.

That is worth celebrating!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

When all is said and done.

Well, the due date for the blog is up, and now this is just for me. A reflection of my journey through this crazy process we call life.

It has been a wild roller coaster ride these past couple of months. I have learned a lot. A lot about theorists, class room management, and even the stars and planets lol! Most importantly, I have had the pleasure to have been exposed to a mixture of teachers ranging from good to extraordinary; exposure to them have helped me build my own personal teaching beliefs and values.

I belief that everyone is responsible for their own learning. But what happens when the system over loads you so much that real learning stops and it spins you into a fight or flight mode?

I have to take responsibility for my own actions, time management, and setting up support systems to help with my academic learning. But as I going through this process I am left wondering if I were a teacher would I do this to my students? Does this type of "just put your head down and get through it" and learn it later on, on you own time mentality align with my own personal values and beliefs? Don't get me wrong. I truly believe in refreshing the knowledge you have learned in the past. Myself I am excited to reread my Teaching From the Inside Out book by Jim Parsons. The key word is refreshing, not just learning the concepts after the course is done because you found your self in a corner and had to choose to spend your time on another project and had to give up your Jim Parson reading assignments in order to get just get by.

Here is a real life concept. When you start a new job they "chuck" your learning. What that means is that they take everything that you need to know in order to be successful at your job and they break down into little sections at a time. They know if they overload you with too much work and information your not going to obtain what you need to know. Also there is a some give and take, so that if you are sick, which it happens; that missing those couple of days have not put you so far behind that you are constantly playing catch up.

Why does it feel like there is such a disconnect between the real world and college life. I thought as teachers we are suppose to use real life concepts in order to get our students prepared for the real world.

In all honesty this is the views and opinions of a stressed out and tired college student in the midst of exams. After exams are all done, and I am rested, I am sure upon further reflection I will have new positive insights and perspectives of my first year college experience. Someimes I wish college was like a job where it does not consume all of your time and energy. I miss that balance between work and pleasure.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Brenner Oh Brenner

Bronfenbrenner's Ecological theory is a tough one.

We were challenged today to fill in the five systems of Bronfrenbrenner's ecological theory.

It was surprising how hard it was to identify the people and groups that directly or indirectly affect our lives.

The microsystem which resembles the people and social groups that most directly affect our lives was easy to acknowledge.

Mesosystem is pretty straight forward. But most crucial. "Meso" which means middle connects the exosystem with our microsystem. So what What ever happens to little Tommy that morning affects how he will behave and function in class that day when he walks in. I believe that if little Tommy has has a bad morning and comes in disrupting your class, a great teach will recognize his behaviour as an expression of this emotions and will try diffuse the situation, and try turn little Tommy's behaviour into a positive one.

I started my first year as an Teacher's Aid in November and was assigned a young man who was coded as ODD and lazy. He missed a lot of school, and was late most of the time. He spent his lunch recess in the "homework" room where he completed unfinished assignments.
Over time, I learned about his his likes and dislikes, gave him some slack when I thought he need some, and gained his trust.  It turned about that his home life situation was below acceptable and that was the reason for his behaviour. I truly believe kids want to behave and please their teachers, so if they are misbehaving it is worth investigating not just labeling the child.

The hardest to fill out was the exosystem and macrosystem. I did not realize how much of our outside influences that we can not control can also affect us. I believe it must be very hard on some of our kids to deal with the pressures of life. Little Tommy has just come over from another country and his parents are struggling to make ends meat and put food on the table. That is an actual reality for children here in Red Deer and I admire those kids that are still positive in tough times.