Can multitasking be dumbing down the world?
Well, it depends on who you ask. Our generation of children are the most technonlically advanced generation so far. They can blog, twitter, update their facebook status and drive down the road. So you are left to wonder, is that a good thing or a bad thing?
The video shows a perspective where the students go through tests at NASA and based on their results the students who tried multitasking during the test failed. Which was quite a shocker to the students. They had honestly believed that they can search the Internet, chat with a friend, and study for a final and do well in all three areas.
I can recognzie that I do my best work when I focus on one task at a time. It will be interesting to see what kind of jobs these "multitaksing" people get, and how well they perform.
Just one more final thought. Teaching can be considered as a multitasking job. Is that a good thing?
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